Denim 2060 – API CF4/SG - Scope Lubricant Afghanistan



United Grease & Lubricants Co. LLC with its brand name 'SCOPE' was established in the year 2001. The plant has undergone a series of developments and expansion and is now one of the most technologically advance plants in the middle east.


Denim 2060 – API CF4/SG

Denim 2060 – API CF4/SG

SCOPE Denim 2060 is a high performance heavy duty diesel engine oil formulated with superior quality base stock and modern additive technology. This product is designed for used in a wide range of diesel and gasoline engines operating under severe service conditions with relatively high diesel. They provide outstanding engine cleanliness, shear resistant and retain viscosity at high temperature.


SCOPE Denim 2060 – API CF4/SG

SCOPE Denim 2060 is a high performance heavy duty diesel engine oil formulated with superior quality base stock and modern additive technology. This product is designed for used in a wide range of diesel and gasoline engines operating under severe service conditions with relatively high diesel. They provide outstanding engine cleanliness, shear resistant and retain viscosity at high temperature.

Main benefits

  • Cost effective lubricant on high-way and off-highway applications.
  • Advanced additive technology provides controlled piston deposits.
  • Good cold start, anti-wear properties, engine cleanliness in wide range of operating condition.
  • Ensure TBN retention throughout oil drain period.
  • Reduce oil inventories in mixed fleet operations and low operating cost and increased vehicle utilization.
  • High resistance to oxidation & thermal degradation.


SCOPE Denim 2060 oils can be used under normal conditions for mixed fleet of diesel and gasoline engines. Also recommended in on and off – high way vehicles, delivery trucks, taxi cabs, farm equipments and fleet gasoline and diesel services including turbo charged engines.



SCOPE Denim 2060 meets and exceeds the requirement of API CF4/SG/CF service classification. They are used in caterpillar TO-2. Detroit Diesel Allison C-3

Typical Physical Characteristics

SAE Viscosity Grades 40 50 15W/40 20W/50
Viscosity, cSt  @ 1000 c 15.00 19.00 15.00 18.50
Viscosity Index 96 95 137 125
Pour Point -21 -18 -27 -24
Flash Point COC 246 260 218 230
TBN ASTM D 2896 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00
Apparent Viscosity – Cp 6500

-200 c


-150 c



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