Denim 9050 Ultra Super Diesel Engine Oil – CJ4 - Scope Lubricant Afghanistan



United Grease & Lubricants Co. LLC with its brand name 'SCOPE' was established in the year 2001. The plant has undergone a series of developments and expansion and is now one of the most technologically advance plants in the middle east.


Denim 9050 Ultra Super Diesel Engine Oil – CJ4

Denim 9050 Ultra Super Diesel Engine Oil – CJ4

SCOPE Denim 9050 Ultra Super Diesel Engine Oil the latest highest quality in Diesel Engine Oil meeting the API CJ4 Standards. It is designed for high speed, four stroke engines designed to meet exhaust emission standards, CJ4 oils are compounded for use in all applications with diesel fuels ranging in sulfur content up to 500 PPM.


SCOPE Denim 9050 Ultra Super Diesel Engine Oil – CJ4

SCOPE Denim 9050 Ultra Super Diesel Engine Oil the latest highest quality in Diesel Engine Oil meeting the API CJ4 Standards. It is designed for high speed, four stroke engines designed to meet exhaust emission standards, CJ4 oils are compounded for use in all applications with diesel fuels ranging in sulfur content up to 500 PPM. It is effective at sustaining emission control system durability and oil drain intervals.

Main benefits

  • Meets exhaust emission standards
  • Long oil drain intervals
  • Excellent control on particulate filter blocking engine wear, piston deposits.
  • Excellent low and high temperature stability
  • Excellent oxidation and foam control.
  • Excellent control on viscosity loss due to shear.


SCOPE Denim 9050 ultra super D.E oil can be used for all latest highly rated turbo charged 4 stroke diesel engines under all operating conditions when sulfur content up to 500 PPM.



SCOPE Denim 9050 Ultra super D.E Oil meets and exceeds API CJ4, API CI4 with     CI4 Plus, CH4, CG4, CF4 and SM, ACEA E9-08, ACEA– E7, E5. Cummins CES 20081,  Mercedes Benz: 228.31, MAN 3275, Volvo –VDS4, Caterpillar EFC-3,MACK EO-O premium plus, Detroit Diesel DD 93K218 PGOS

Typical Physical Characteristics

SAE Viscosity Grades 15W/40
Viscosity, cSt  @ 400 c 108
Viscosity, cSt  @ 1000 c 14.85
Viscosity Index 143
Pour Point -36
Flash Point COC 220
TBN ASTM D 2896 11
Apparent Viscosity- Cp



-200 c



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